Blocking Contacts in WhatsApp from the List
To block a contact that is saved in your phone: Alternatively if you want to block a specific contact from your list: Note: If the contact and you are part of the same group then you will continue to receive the messages from the contact sent to the group. You cannot block a group or a group member within the group.
Blocking unknown contact in WhatsApp
Sometimes you may want to block an unknown contact as they may be sending you irrelevant messages. Initial messages from an unknown contact are displayed with the option to Report Spam. When you report the unknown contact as spam, the user is automatically added to your blocked list.
Unblock a Contact in WhatsApp
You can unblock a contact at anytime you want. To unblock a contact: Alternatively, you can simply send a message to the contact you blocked and you will be prompted to unblock the contact. It is easy, isn’t it? But do you know what happens after you block a contact? If you are not sure then, let us take a look at the repercussions.
Blocked contact’s messages will not be delivered
As long as a contact is blocked, messages from the contact will not be delivered to you. Even after unblocking the contact, the messages sent in past will not be delivered at all. After unblocking the contact, all new messages from the contact will be delivered.
Online information, profile photo and status will be hidden
Your blocked contacts will not be able to see your online information like “last seen on” or your profile photo and your status message. However, you will be able to view the blocked contact’s profile photo but not their status messages or online information.
Blocked Contacts can not Make WhatsApp Call
Your blocked contacts cannot make WhatsApp call to you. Similarly you too cannot make a WhatsApp call to the blocked contact. It is up to you to block or unblock a contact on WhatsApp. However, you should know that a blocked contact’s name will not be deleted from your contact list. You are only blocking a contact, not deleting the contact name from your contact list. You may have to remove the person’s phone number from your phone book to delete him/her from WhatsApp contact list. Should you have any question on this topic, please feel free to ask in the comments section. We at TechWelkin and our reader community will try to assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!