Free Books from the British Origami Society

The British Origami Society is one of the largest origami associations in the world. The group provides a wealth of resources for people leaving in the UK, as well as offering membership options for paper folders throughout the world.  Visit the Supplies section of their website to download the following free origami ebooks:

Don’t Fold Under Pressure by David RaynorSimplicity and Realism in Origami by John SmithSnow by John SmithOrigami Inspirations (an anthology designed for your iPad)

Free Ebooks from Dover

Dover offers free samples of some of its newest origami titles. Visit the Dover website to review selected models. 

Free Origami Bonsai Magazine

Benjamin John Coleman, best known for his impressive origami bonsai floral arrangements, offers a free electronic magazine on his website. His projects are best suited for experienced paper folders, however. 

Other Free Origami Ebooks

On the Origami Fun website, you can download a free copy of their Awesome Origami ebook when you sign up for their newsletter. This book includes 10 free origami models, as well as several printable paper designs.  The makers of the Origami Instructions website have created an Origami Animals ebook as a free gift for their readers. Origami Shop has a section of its website with free ebook downloads, including a few bilingual titles. 

If you’re searching for free origami books online, you may notice many sites that offer unauthorized copies of published books. It might seem like a smart money-saving trick to download these books instead of buying legitimate published copies, but this hurts the talented origami artists who are devoting their time and talents to sharing their designs. When the sales of their books suffer, publishers are much less likely to invest in new titles for all of us to enjoy. “In this age of the Internet, many people seem to assume that because they can download a file, it is OK to do so,” said Nick Robinson, author of over 30 origami books. “Sadly, this isn’t always the case. Many origami creators (like musicians) find their work plagiarized and posted without their permission. This can affect their income as well as their reputation. Some creators are now opting not to publish their work for fear of it being misused, the net result of this is less origami for us all to enjoy. When downloading a file, please try to ensure that it is a legitimate source. If in doubt, contact the creator and ask them!”