For example, it’s easy to get started. Also, there are so many stitches that you can use in new and different ways. Plus, there is a never-ending supply of inspiration via quotes, patterns, and the world (that’s also a downside, because how will you ever stitch it all?). Read through these reasons from stitchers far and wide love embroidery, and you might just find some new reasons to adore this colorful, creative craft!

It’s so satisfying to watch a picture come to life as colors are added.You might not be able to draw anything to save your life. Embroidery lets you draw with floss.You are forced to sit and relax while doing it.Freedom and forgiveness. It doesn’t have to be just perfect because the thread helps you along, covering up slight imperfections and making it beautiful!Electricity is not necessary.It’s incredible versatility. It can look rustic or sophisticated, old-fashioned or modern, pretty-pretty and pretty cool.The connection to the past. Women have embroidered forever it seems, and the art form hasn’t changed much. A young girl transplanted from 1800 wouldn’t understand much of the world, but the hoop and the practice remain mostly the same.There’s the freedom of following the pattern or not.The feel of the fabric in one’s hands and the rhythmic movement of the needle in and out of the cloth is captivating.Besides having a finished project, there’s the process of stitching.The unpredictability, as you could start with good intentions then go on a completely different route and still have an amazing finished piece!The variety of stitches, which are like colors on a painter’s palette.The texture. You can run your hands across the embroideries.The endless possibilities. You could give 100 people the same fabric and threads and they’d all come up with different things.That it is easy to pick up and put down. No counting.It’s portable and you don’t need to be in front of my sewing machine to do it!There’s a soothing sound of the thread as you pull it through the fabric—especially that little pop when the eye goes through.It’s easy to learn and there aren’t many “rules.“It’s a relaxing way to make gifts for family and friends to cherish.The feel of the stitches on the fabric.The quiet and concentration. It’s very soothing and personal with what you are creating.There is something to be said for the physical untangling of knots that happen…to help teach patience to untangle metaphorical knots in your life rather than cut it off.The freedom to create!The wide range of colors of floss and fiber we get to stitch with….it’s like the Crayola 64-piece box on major steroids.Tiny stitches can transform a sewn piece into something personal and unique.It makes you slow down. It’s the one craft you always take my time with and never rush through.It’s such good therapy.The blending of colors and the infinite array of textures which vary endlessly with thread type/weight.It keeps your hands busy. Plain and simple. Keeps your mind occupied and is a major stress reliever.It’s like coloring but with floss!It’s a method of meditation.The best part is when you’re finished and you look at what you’ve made and realize that you made it! It didn’t exist before and now you’ve made something that can be used.It brings out creativity yet forces patience, which you might need to both of.It’s an instant gratification kind of craft.The feeling of creating something permanent and beautiful out of such humble objects as fabric and thread.It always has room for growth.The self-expression that requires time and patience.There’s just so much to love.

There are so many reasons to keep stitching, and perhaps learn to love it all even more. Learn more about embroidery or check out these free patterns.