In the middle of the last decade, Facebook got a huge head start while Google faltered on Orkut. Facebook went on to become the de facto online social network of the world. With this blow in the face, Google came back with ideas like Google Wave –but that also failed. >However, now, with Google+, the company is posing a stiff challenge for FB. The following infographic shows 20 reasons of why Google+ is better than Facebook. Some of the important points are:
Integration with Google services: If you already use Google’s other services (Gmail, Picasa etc.) –it’s very easy to use Google+ Circles are better than Facebook lists because circles are more natural way of managing friends Google+ mobile app loads faster, especially on Android Photo tagging has better privacy on G+ Google Data Liberation is a feature that allows you to remove all your data from Google+ whenever you want Hangouts are chat rooms wherein you can chat with your friends and even with strangers. Video conferencing is part of Hangout Google+ is tightly integrated with Chrome; web browser from Google On Google+ you don’t have to deal with friend requests Google’s privacy settings are easily locatable Search is much better in case of Google+. And I am not surprised knowing Google’s expertise in this field
Image via Infographic Labs With all these good features, I think Google+ will surely pose as a challenger to the monopoly of Facebook in the area of online social networking. In order to thwart the attempts of Google, Facebook will have to innovate and provide users with even better facilities. As a user of both these networks, I am spoiled with features! So, I am not complaining at all. Are you?