Although embroidery is an extensive craft with many forms, it’s actually quite easy to get started. You don’t need too many supplies, and by learning a few basics, you’ll be ready to tackle any of the projects in this list. As you start out, it’s good to choose a design that only requires a few basic stitches. From there, expand your stitch knowledge and practice the 15 stitches every embroiderer should know, and you’ll go from beginner to intermediate stitcher in no time. Patterns aren’t included with this free project, but you can easily find a state or country outline with an image search and start stitching. Plus, you can frame your finished embroidery like you see here or make it into an adorable baby rattle. Before you start this project, be sure that you know the difference between stem stitch and outline stitch. You’ll end up with a better result if you choose one and use it consistently throughout the project.